Ferne Pearlstein
Ferne Pearlstein is a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and the Brooklyn Jewish Hall of Fame, with postgraduate...

Hara Estroff Marano
1. When you hear the old shibboleth that “women don’t have a sense of humor” or are “less funny than men,” your immediate response...

Jennifer Sager
1. When you hear the old shibboleth that “women don’t have a sense of humor” or are “less funny than men,” your immediate response is...

Jennifer Rawlings
1. When you hear the old shibboleth that “women don’t have a sense of humor” or are “less funny than men,” your immediate response...

Niamh Emerson
1. When you hear the old shibboleth that “women don’t have a sense of humor” or are “less funny than men,” your immediate response...

Erica Buehler
1. When you hear the old shibboleth that “women don’t have a sense of humor” or are “less funny than men,” your immediate response...

Eileen Scully
1. When you hear the old shibboleth that “women don’t have a sense of humor” or are “less funny than men,” your immediate response...

Dawn Lundy Martin
1. When you hear the old shibboleth that “women don’t have a sense of humor” or are “less funny than men,” your immediate response...

Carolyn Dever
Carolyn Dever 1. When you hear the old shibboleth that “women don’t have a sense of humor” or are “less funny than men,” your immediate...

Darien Gee
Read more at https://www.woodhallpress.com/fast-funny-women !