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Massachusetts mobster and bar owner Mickey Quinn has fathered his only child, David, conceived through intimidation over his employee Darlene Bundt. After learning of her pregnancy, Darlene wrestles with the dilemma of termination versus living her faith. Despite the circumstances, she chooses to bear the child and bring him up on her own.


However, Quinn plans to control David's future and raise him to be tough, cunning, and "connected."

Quinn then begins stalking Darlene and David, forcing them into hiding.


Meanwhile, Quinn continues to pursue the confiscation of Jaston Farm by any means necessary in order to site a mobster-controlled casino. In his quest to dominate townspeople's lives, will Quinn commit unthinkable acts and again violate the law?


The Killer's Kid

  • Adelene Ellenberg, a person of faith and a lawyer, was born in Kentucky, raised in Illinois, and now lives in Massachusetts with her husband. Having advocated for both her disabled brother and her disrespected fellow townspeople, she has been blessed with meaningful work as a lawyer. Her first novel, Eminent Crimes: A Legal Thriller, is available on Amazon. She mentors a weekly writers' group in her hometown of Bridgewater, MA, and calls them "her essential sounding board". Please check out for more information.

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