V. Hansmann - Flash Nonfiction Funny survey responses
Fiction or Nonfiction?
Is it harder to write funny or sad?
Sad, because sad is forever, Funny lasts but a moment.
Long form or short form?
As long as it takes, basically
Poetry or prose?
Poetry, because that's when words work hardest.
Boxers or kickboxers?
Piece that you read and said Wish I’d thought of that?
Anything by Brian Doyle
Cloned or frozen?
Cloned, so no one would mistake me for an asshole.
Book you read and reread?
Collected Poems of Elizabeth Bishop
When writing is going well…
I run out of cigarettes
Desert Island Book?
Collected Poems of Elizabeth Bishop
Bio -
V. Hansmann was raised in suburban New Jersey; growing up to be neurotic, alcoholic, homosexual, and old. His publishing credits consist of essays and poetry. He has hosted a monthly reading series, Bennington Writers, at the Cornelia Street Café in Greenwich Village for eight years. V's work can be found at vleecker.com.